Dr. Debbie Radtke
iGRAD – Interdisciplinary Graduate and Research Academy Düsseldorf
20/21 May, 2019
Basics of responsible conduct and ethical principles in Research
- Introduction: Values, virtues, potential problems and conflicts in scientific contexts
- Basic recommendations of the DFG, relevant codices and regulations for safeguarding good scientific practice and scientific integrity
- Scientific misconduct: Examples, elements of offense and consequences, procedures for coping with scientific misconduct (incl. excursus plagiarism)
General Responsibilities
- Data collection and research documentation
- Publication process, authorship and review of manuscripts
- Supervision: Expectations, duties and roles
- Organizational culture: Challenges of collaboration and communication in teams and in scientific collaborations. Strategies to prevent and to manage problems as well as conflict in everyday research environment
- Procedures in case of suspicion and relevant contact persons (of according institution(s))
Important specific responsibilities [*depending on participants’ disciplinary/research background]
- Important issues prior to any data collection: Authorization, permission or qualification relevant research [Research on animals]
- [Research on humans]*
- [Surveys, interviews, data privacy and security]*