8th B Cell Winter School 2021

15 – 18 February 2021

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, we will organize the B Cell Winter School for the first time as an online meeting via ZOOM.

Extended until 31 January 2021.

Program / Flyer 
The program flyer including the list of posters, and an outline for the round tables will be available for download below. Printed versions of the abstract booklet will be send by mail.

Presentations and Poster Session
PhD students are strongly encouraged to give a talk (20 min & 10 min Q&A). Generally, about half of the PhD students present orally. There are very limited time slots reserved for talks by TRR130 Postdocs or PIs. If you are interested, please let us know via the registration form. Each participant with a poster presentation will have their own breakout room during the poster session. All participants will receive an abstract book. Participants with a poster or talk need to send their abstract by e-mail to agnes.giniewski@fau.de.

Deadline for abstract submissions: Monday, 1 February 2021.

This year we will organize for the first time Meet-the-Speaker sessions, which will allow interested participants a more intense discussion with the speakers after their presentation. As soon as the guest speakers are confirmed, you will have the opportunity to declare your interest.

Round table discussions
If possible, all PIs, Postdocs and PhD students should participate at the round table discussions. This event allows discussing PhD projects, specific data, problems and/or methods within small groups of PIs and PhD students. We will set up about 5-6 discussion groups.

Please note that Project leaders and PostDocs, who are not assigned as moderators of a round table, may join the round table discussions on their own choice. In total, about ten persons can join one table.

Thesis Advisory Committee (TAC) Meetings
Please note, that this year we will not offer the possibility to organize a TAC meeting during the B Cell Winter School. We kindly ask you to organize your TAC meetings at another date.

Please contact the coordinator for any further information:
Agnes Giniewski
Phone: +49 (0)9127 954 3394
E-mail: agnes.giniewski@fau.de

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