Career Day – Professional job opportunities for scientists beyond academia


Professional job opportunities for scientists beyond academia
June 22nd, 2021, 9 am – 5 pm, Central European Time

Organized by the integrated research training group „B cells and beyond“ of the TRR 130

The Career Day of the integrated research training group (IRTG) of the TRR130 introduces possible professional job opportunities beyond academia. IRTG alumni or company representatives have the opportunity to present their career path and current position. Further the respective company and entry opportunities can also be presented. The Career Day should enable exchange between companies and young academics. In addition to the presentation of professional perspectives in the participating companies, this event should also offer a networking platform.

All interested parties are welcome to attend the event.
Please note, while the presentations are open to the public, the speed networking is only available to TRR130 members.


09:00 am WELCOME by Prof. Hans-Martin Jäck

Chair: Nina Gleußner

09:15 am Dr. Katharina Hartmann
Programme Director, Life Sciences 2:
Microbiology, Immunology, Neurosciences
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft

09:45 am Dr. Stefanie Hahne
Medical Scientific Relation Manager
Pfizer Inflammation & Immunology

10:15 am Cate Livingstone, PhD

10:45 am Break or Speed networking (only for TRR130 members)

Chair: Paul Haase

11:15 am Dr. Andreas Acs
Senior Scientist Technology and Innovation
Medigene AG

11:45 am Dr. Michaela Schmitt
Quality Control Manager
Minaris Regenerative Medicine

12:15 pm Cezanne Miete
Biotechnologische Studenteninitiative – btS

12:30 pm Break or Speed networking (only for TRR130 members)

Chair: Sophia Urbanczyk

02:00 pm Dr. Swantje Straßheim
Scientific Consultant
Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety

02:30 pm Dr. Matthias Gehder
Partner and Associate Director, Digital Health
Boston Consulting Group

03:00 pm Dr. Caren Clark
Clinical Account Manager

03:30 pm Break or Speed networking (only for TRR130 members)

Chair: Jens Wittner

04:00 pm Dr. Harald Bradl
Director & Head of Protein Science
Boehringer Ingelheim

04:30 pm Dr. Patrick Daum
Head of Study Center
Clinic Ansbach

05:00 pm FAREWELL

05:10 pm Speed networking (only for TRR130 members)

All times are displayed in Central European Time


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